Advanced Copyright Management for Media Agencies

Enhansa’s innovative approach shifts traditional programming into an agile “low code” method, focusing on semantic data for flexible system architecture. Customizable core logic and bespoke building blocks like PLIE and CSE allow quick adaptation to business and regulatory changes, offering robust solutions for evolving landscapes. Note: The case study is theoretical, showcasing the potential applications of Enhansa’s building blocks.
Media & Entertainment
Dynamic Copyright Licensing and Revenue Management
Showcasing how Enhansa’s solutions adeptly manage complex copyright agreements between photographers (rights holders) and media agencies, addressing various usage scenarios and revenue-sharing models
Problem context
Media agencies navigate intricate agreements with photographers, where certain uses of photos are free, others are paid, and revenue sharing varies based on usage intensity and channels
Pain points
Navigating agreements with varying terms for different usage scenarios
Managing revenue sharing agreements that include lump-sum payments and pay-per-use models
Accurately tracking usage across multiple channels and applying corresponding pricing
Implementation of a flexible rights and revenue management system
Automated determination of photo usage terms based on specific agreements
Tracking of photo usage across various channels and applying different pricing models
Handling revenue sharing agreements, including lump-sum and pay-per-use calculations
Custom N3 Integration
Enhansa’s Semantic Data Transformations in Copyright Management
Approach and Implementation
Technology utilised
Enhansa components:
PLIE. Policy and Logic Interpretation Engine, consisting of EYE Reasoner and Notation3 (N3)
CSE. Clearing and Settlement Engine
Hypothetical strategy
Development of a semantic data model to represent diverse copyright and revenue-sharing agreements
Integration with media agency’s digital asset management systems for real-time tracking and compliance
Example of N3 Logic Code
Rule for Usage-Based Pricing and Revenue Sharing
@prefix photo: <> .
@prefix fin: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
# Rule for Recording Micro Transactions
?use a photo:PhotoUse;
photo:image ?image;
photo:channel ?channel;
photo:usageCount ?count;
fin:currentQuarter ?quarter.
?image photo:copyrightHolder ?holder;
photo:agreement ?agreement.
?agreement fin:payPerUseRate ?rate;
fin:channelPricing ?channelPricing.
?channelPricing photo:channel ?channel; fin:rate ?channelRate.
BIND ((?count * ?channelRate) AS ?microTransactionAmount)
FILTER (?count <= ?agreement fin:threshold)
} => {
?holder fin:recordMicroTransaction [ fin:amount ?microTransactionAmount; fin:quarter ?quarter ].
# Rule for Quarterly Settlement Invoicing
?holder a photo:CopyrightHolder;
fin:microTransactionRecord ?record.
?record fin:quarter ?quarter; fin:amount ?amount.
?agreement fin:threshold ?threshold; fin:lumpSum ?lumpSum.
FILTER (?quarter = "Q1" || ?quarter = "Q2" || ?quarter = "Q3" || ?quarter = "Q4")
SUM(?amount AS ?totalQuarterlyAmount)
LET (?totalDue = ?lumpSum + ?totalQuarterlyAmount)
} => {
?holder fin:issueQuarterlyInvoice [ fin:dueAmount ?totalDue; fin:quarter ?quarter ].
Explanation of the N3 Logic
Micro Transactions Rule
- This rule applies to each use of a photograph within the threshold limit.
- It calculates the amount for each micro-transaction based on the usage count and channel-specific rate.
- These amounts are recorded for each copyright holder for the current quarter.
Quarterly Settlement Invoicing Rule
- This rule is triggered at the end of each quarter (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4).
- It aggregates all micro-transaction amounts recorded for each copyright holder.
- The total quarterly amount is combined with any lump sum (if applicable) to generate a quarterly invoice.
Practical Example
Micro Transactions Rule
A photo used 30 times in a digital campaign in Q1, with a rate of $10 per use.
$300 recorded as micro-transactions for Q1.
Quarterly Settlement Invoicing Rule
At the end of Q1, the total micro-transactions amount is combined with a lump sum (if applicable) for the quarterly invoice.
A quarterly invoice is generated based on the lump sum and the total amount of micro-transactions.
Empowering Copyright Management
Enhansa’s Impact on Copyright Management
Expected Results
- Precise adherence to complex copyright and revenue-sharing agreements.
- Transparent and accurate billing for photo usage across various channels.
- Efficient management of financial settlements between photographers and agencies.
Advanced Metrics for Success
- 100% accuracy in billing and revenue distribution.
- Reduction in manual workload for contract management by 50%.
- Increased revenue for photographers due to precise tracking and compliance.
Revolutionise Your Media Rights: Discover Enhansa’s Solutions for Copyright Licensing & Revenue Sharing
This case study illustrates Enhansa’s sophisticated approach to managing dynamic copyright licensing and revenue-sharing models in the media and entertainment industry, ensuring compliance, transparency, and financial efficiency